Use of Alcove care tech enables ‘OUTSTANDING’ CQC rating for L&Q Housing Association
in Alcove Business, News, Technology sectionAlcove are absolutely delighted that our wonderful Housing Association Client L&Q Living (L&Q Housing Association own or manage over 90,000 homes in London and the South East) have been awarded an ‘outstanding’ rating from the CQC upgraded from a ‘needs improvement’ rating across 4 four 'supported living' schemes including complex needs & learning disabilities embedded with Alcove caretech.
One 'outstanding' scheme is fitted out with over 50 devices including movement, heat, light, eating sensors, Alexa and Alcove’s video calling carephone devices and not only has use of the technology and data provided a waking night shift care saving to the local authority, but the CQC commended that “Positive risk taking was driven through the safe use of innovative and pioneering technology in order to support people to live fulfilling lives”.
Furthermore the CQC noted that: “The services worked with Alcove to provide assistive technology with light touch monitoring for people. This technology enabled people to become more independent whilst managing the risk to that person. The scheme had installed a range of sensors which gave insight into people's behaviours and promoted positive risk taking. For example, one person was receiving 24 hour support, however with the sensors this person had allocated hours each week where they were independent whilst being lightly monitored from an adjoining location. By monitoring from an adjoining location it gave the person freedom to move about their home safely and with privacy. The service monitored the behaviours of this person and over time this showed they were becoming more independent with making drinks and snacks, and listening to the radio. This person, ‘Eliza’ told us, "I learn things." One relative told us, "They [Alcove] spoke to us about monitoring movement. They asked our permission. Eliza has got more freedom to move about." The locality manager said, "Nice to see the difference in Eliza. She would never have had the opportunities before. She leads a normal life in that time. The service worked in partnership with other organisations and kept up to date with new research and development with evidence-based techniques and technologies to support people with the delivery of high quality care and person centred support.” Furthermore, the service also used the information from the sensors to plan people's support plans, in accordance with their needs and wishes. Through the use of the technology with the light touch monitoring this person had grown in independence with their life skills and now had a part time employment.”
Please get in touch for more information on we’d be delighted to hear from you if you'd like to explore how to improve your CQC ratings.
Love Alcove.
*names have been anonymised